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Which Parenting Styles Are Most Encouraged In Modern America

parenting styles

Your parenting style is as unique as your personality and your child. This is your technique for raising your baby so that he can become an ideal citizen and a responsible human being. There are certain actions and behaviors that you will have to exhibit to practice parenting that is result-oriented and suitable for your child. This is the technical know-how of raising a child and it does not have to be static. Currently, there are numerous types of parenting strategies and approaches that are prevalent in modern America. Let’s have a look at what they are:

1. Authoritarian Style

A lot of folks taking parenting education classes are curious about the authoritarian style. This is where the rules of the parents are very strict and somewhat of a law at home. Some people go for this because they want to teach their children the importance of obedience and the consequences (that will follow in the form of punishment) if they do not follow the rules. The downside of this kind of parenting is that it leads children to mental breakdowns in many cases. 

2. Authoritative Style

This falls under the category of more open-minded parenting styles. This is where parents are more open to listening to the opinions and feelings of their children. It is a mix of authority, cooperation, compromise, and adjustment. Kids that come out of such households are respectful and usually well-adjusted.

3. Obedience Parenting

Obedience parenting is similar to the two mentioned above. This is where they take care of the safety of the children first and foremost. They make rules for everything and the biggest difference is that the extreme approach of both the styles mentioned above is very much diluted in this style of parenting.

4. Indulgent Parenting

This is one of the many common types of parenting styles and is hugely prevalent in America. Indulgent parenting is where the parents are not afraid of expressing their love and affection towards their kids. They are not strict at all. Discipline takes a back seat. It is all a matter of chance that with this style of parenting, children would come out well-groomed and considerate. That’s right. More often than not, this style of parenting leads to spoiled kids who are mostly self-entered and careless with their finances in general.

5. Permissive Style Of Parenting

The permissive style of parenting is somewhere in the middle of indulgent and authoritative parenting styles. This is exactly why is a parenting education class important for you. Strategies and styles like these get you the results you want. This is where you lay down the rules and often lead by example. It is more of a coordinated effort between you and your spouse so that you can cultivate good habits among your children. This is where you still remain loving towards your kids but also have certain rules and guidelines that should be followed. It is more of a friendly approach rather than traditional parenting.

6. Uninvolved Parenting Style

As the name suggests, uninvolved parenting is when you are not involved in the daily activities of your children. This is where the phrase “mind your own business” is well-becoming. You will be monitoring the behavior and attitude of your children and will also exercise a reward system in addition to a process of punishment as well. The difference is that you are not going to be authoritative or strict at all.

7. Democratic Parenting

When you treat your children as equals, this is when it becomes democratic. It is about creating a happy and comfortable relationship with your children. The result is a well-balanced and highly satisfied family. Is it 100% effective? This is subjective.


Regardless of what parenting style you choose, you will have to understand the personalities of your children first. Cultural and ethnic differences are also going to play an important role in how your children are conditioned and what their general attitudes and perspectives toward life are. Happy parenting.

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