The Wellness Tips Blog Wellness Mental Health Signs And Symptoms Of Depression In Women
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Signs And Symptoms Of Depression In Women

You must know that symptoms of depression, stress, and overthinking in women are always going to differ from the way they manifest in men. This is because both sexes have very different ways of coping with these problems. Depression is not just a brief period of time when you feel sad or low about something. It is a mood disorder that affects your daily life and women do not seem to understand the seriousness of it regardless of what socio-economic stratum they belong to. Women exhibit certain signs of depression that should never be ignored. Some of those symptoms are listed below:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of sexual Desire
  • Not being able to sleep
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Feeling weak or lethargic for no reason
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Not being able to focus or concentrate on work
  • The inability to enjoy hobbies and interest they once loved
  • Crying without any reason
  • Feelings of no hope for the future
  • Having very extreme mood swings
  • Thoughts about death and suicide

There are many factors that can cause mental health illness, diseases of the brain, and these signs of depression in women. But there is a way to cope with all of them. The first step is to understand these symptoms in detail. The various causes of depression in women these days:

  1. Seasonal pattern of depression that happens during each change of the weather
  2. Imbalances in bodily Chemicals and hormones
  3. Thyroid conditions can also lead to depression
  4. If they have a family history of depression, then they are highly likely to suffer from the same problem
  5. Traumatic life events such as the loss of a loved one or the end of an intermediate relationship
  6. Physical abuse
  7. Mental torture
  8. Emotional abuse by any intimate partners, family members, or friends
  9. Long term illness can also lead to the same symptoms
  10. Not being able to work better at the office
  11. School projects being too stressful

12. Can Depression Be Hereditary?

This is a question that everyone asks. The answer to it is that depression in women or at least various signs of it can be completely a result of their genetics or heredity. Depression runs in families of many individuals. It can start anywhere between the age of 15 and 30. There is always a family link to such situations and women of all ages suffering from the same problem must address them without any delay. Hereditary depression is a lot different from clinical depression and this is the biggest difference that you must understand if you suffer from the same problem.

13. PMS And PMDD

PMS is your pre-menstrual syndrome which happens just one night before you get your period. It is common for every woman in the world. PMS usually causes depression and other behavioral patterns as well. PMDD is also a form of depression and it is a premenstrual dysphoric disorder. A great way to get rid of it is to track your period dates and be prepared for this onslaught of emotions.

14. Perinatal Depression

Perinatal depression happens when women give birth. It is usually called postpartum depression and is very common among women. It can lead to mood swings, anxiety, and difficult-to-manage emotions. It may also include suicidal thoughts which are not healthy at all. One could benefit a lot from knowing several mental benefits of yoga practice and other exercises too.

15. Premenopausal Depression

This type of depression is usually triggered right before menopause. Women who enter this stage experience a lot of depressive symptoms and negativity. Even they suffer from thoughts of suicide and mood swings. Past trauma and episodes of emotional abuse may lead to severe bouts of anxiety in some women.


Regardless of what the reason might be for your depression, it is important to take it seriously. This mental health illness that should never be ignored.

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