Health Life Style

Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle – 6 Keys To A Longer Life

Healthy lifestyle 5 keys to a longer life

You must give a 100% to make your life more enjoyable and satisfying, especially as you grow older. People think that how many years they live is determined primarily by their genetics. True but not entirely. What you eat and your approach toward life also impact your life expectancy. Let’s discuss a few healthy lifestyle tips in the section below that will guarantee to make you live longer and happier:

1. Do Not Overthink

You would be doing your body and mind a big favor if you start thinking a lot less. Overthinking and procrastinating prevent you from realizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle and it causes stress and depression among a lot of people too. It also leads to an overcritical mind which is not good for your relationships. You do not wish to be one of those people who become skeptical about every little thing. Overthinking is one of the biggest reasons that people are not able to make important life decisions and end up missing out on the happiest moments of their lives. Some also regret losing the best opportunities of their careers to others. Therefore, think only as much as you need to.

2. Do Not Overeat

Overeating is one of the biggest causes of obesity in close to 50% of the American population. Do you know that you end up consuming close to 10% to 50% of extra calories by just eating fast? And, if you think that those cheat days are not going to harm your progress, you are probably mistaken. Overeating every 10 or 15 days in the name of celebrating your cheat days can have a negative impact on your fitness journey too. Moderation is the key.

3. Go Nuts Over Nuts

Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and many others are a great source of protein, antioxidants, natural fiber, and various plant compounds that your body almost every day. There are several vitamin and mineral profiles that can only be found in these nuts. Minerals such as copper, magnesium, Vitamin B6, potassium, folate, and niacin can be found in these nuts. Some of these nutrients are very much effective in keeping high blood pressure away and diabetes at bay.

4. Healthy Oils To The Rescue

The biggest hurdle when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is your inability to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy fats. Do you know that olive oil is one of the very few cooking oils that remain liquid even during the coldest months? This is because it contains all the goodness such as Omega 3 fatty acids and MUFA and PUFA. These are not only good for your skin but your hair, eyes, heart health, blood pressure, and also brain health. These are the healthy fats that keep you from putting on fat. Some other sources of Omega 3 are salmon, cod, tuna, herring, sardines, almonds, flaxseed, chia seeds, and grass-fed Greek yogurt.

5. Drink A Bit Of Coffee Or Tea Regularly

This is one of the most incredible healthy lifestyle tips that you will ever come across. Drinking a little bit of tea or coffee during the day is a great way to stay active and happy. These beverages can decrease the risk of many chronic diseases in your body. Experts have found them to be effective when it comes to decreasing the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease as well.

6. Sleep Better At Night

When it comes to stressing the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you cannot leave your sleep patterns behind. The key to maintaining a healthy body and mind is to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night. Do not reverse your sleep clock under any circumstances.


Longevity is something that may seem to be out of your control but you can still have a longer and more satisfying life. Just make these changes in your lifestyle and you will see how it impacts you and everyone around you.