Health Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight Fast Naturally And Permanently

lose weight fast without exercise

According to an independent study, the ideal amount of weight that you should aim to lose every week is between 1 and 2 pounds only. Anything more than that is going to stress your mind and body and isn’t healthy. Needless to say, you will end up missing your meals which is only going to compromise your nutrition. Also, people who lose a lot more weight than that per week are highly likely to gain the lost weight at a later stage in life. Now, this is something that you definitely don’t want. If you’re looking for a few tips on how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently, you have come to the right place. Let’s have a look at a few ideas right below:

1. Keep Your Goals Realistic

The first thing that you have to do is follow this golden rule. You have to calculate your ideal BMI and focus on achieving that. You must keep your goals realistic and not aim for any Hollywood-inspired figure or something that is going to compromise your nutrition and bone health in particular. This is very specific to women over the age of 35. If you are in the process of losing weight, it is better to keep your expectations and goals realistic and your target weight in proportion to your height. Your physician will be able to guide you better as to what BMI you should aim for given your age, body type, bone structure, and metabolism.

2. Cut Out All The Processed Foods

The easiest way to lose weight fast without exercise or any kind of activity is to chase out every can and box of processed food. The majority of these foods contain preservatives and a high concentration of salts and sugars. This is not healthy for you at all. They contain an unnecessary and unhealthy amount of sodium, trans fat, and empty calories that you do not need. If you are a fan of processed and fruit-flavored cereals, say no to them as well because even they contain close to 31% sugar.

3. Say No To Sugar

If you consume three cups of coffee or tea in a day, you are adding an average of 5 teaspoons of sugar to your diet. That is a lot of empty calories that you do not need. According to an independent study, a lot of the sugar that you usually consume comes from fructose. This breaks down into fat in your liver. Your liver releases the broken-down sugar into your bloodstream in the form of fat cells. This is how you gain weight.

4. Black Coffee On An Empty Stomach

Have you ever heard your personal trainer advise you to drink black coffee before your workout? This is because black coffee has a lot of health benefits for you. It improves your metabolism and helps you digest carbohydrates and fats more easily. It is also a natural and completely safe fat burner. This means that if you are looking to rev up your workout, black coffee can do the trick. 

5. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the most intelligent ways to lose weight fast without exercise and that too without any side effects. People are generally of the opinion that this kind of fasting in cycles does a lot of harm. The truth is completely the opposite. You can fast alternate days without having to work out at all and still end up losing a lot of your weight in a very healthy and uniform manner. However, there are certain individuals who are not advised to do this such as children, teenagers, pregnant women, mature/older people, or any individual who has a health condition.

Final Thoughts

Losing weight is not going to be a problem for you if you are determined to do that. There are numerous healthy and permanent ways to lose weight. If you put your mind to it, anything is achievable.