The Wellness Tips Blog Dental 8 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry to Improve Your Smile

8 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry to Improve Your Smile

beverly hills cosmetic dentist

Not everyone is naturally bestowed with a beautiful smile. Issues regarding the shape and size of the teeth are common. Thankfully, when it comes to a bright and beautiful smile, Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist clinics help you flaunt one with ultimate ease. Let’s understand cosmetics dentistry as a specialized field and its role in improving the quality and look of your smile. 

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized field of general dentistry and focuses on improving the appearance of the teeth. From basic teeth whitening to more restorative procedures like dental implants, it includes a myriad of cosmetic procedures. People from all age groups can benefit from the wonders of cosmetic dentistry. However, as each treatment settles a different concern, it requires a careful selection to address the problem area. It is pertinent to mention here that a cosmetic dental procedure may or may not improve the functionality of the teeth. 

Types Of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures For Improved Smile

Every person is unique. So is their requirement. Cosmetic dentistry offers a unique procedure for every concern. A cosmetic dentist Beverly Hills will discuss each concern at length and offer customized solutions. The available procedure options include:


One of the key parameters in the smile rating chart is the color of the teeth. Yellowish and stained teeth have a direct bearing on the smile appeal. Bleaching or teeth whitening is the most basic of the cosmetic treatment options. It aims at removing all kinds of stains and tints from the teeth. What unfolds is a set of beautiful sparkling white teeth.  

Tooth Contouring Or Reshaping

The size of the teeth is always irregular. But for some people, the minor difference in the size of the teeth can be too conspicuous. Cosmetic surgeons settle such issues through tooth reshaping or contouring. The process involves filling up resin or shaving off a little portion of the enamel to give the appearance of smooth and even-sized teeth. It is quick to execute and gives immediate results. 

Dental Veneers

Issues like stains, chips, cracks, imperfections, and misalignment in the teeth affect the overall appearance of the smile. Dental veneers come across as a popular choice as they help mask all deformities under the tailor-made cover placed along the front surface of the teeth. Dental veneers are thin sheets of porcelain or composite resin that are customized to size. The best Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist will offer a choice between removal and fixed veneers as your perfect ‘smile makeovers’. With proper care, the dental veneers can last almost up to 10 years. 

Dental Crowns

Teeth that are damaged beyond repair can be an eyesore. They tend to spoil the appearance of the smile line. But dental crowns are a proven way to cover up the unappealing sight. The two-step procedure carried out by a cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills involves tooth restructuring of the decayed or rotten tooth subsequently followed by fixing a porcelain crown. The crown is an exact look-alike of the natural teeth and thus adds to the smile value. The new addition also adds to the functional value of the teeth. 

Dental Lumineers

Dental lumineers are the ultra-thin version of dental veneers. Without much preparation of the teeth, the lumineers sheet is pasted on the existing teeth. It is seen as an effective solution for dental issues like stained, crooked, misaligned, and misshapen teeth. But while it covers minor misalignments and discoloration, they do not last as long as the dental veneers.

Tooth Bonding

Dental bonding works best to treat chipped, discolored, cracked, and misaligned front teeth. The procedure involves directly pasting the resin material to the teeth’s surface. The tooth-colored resin is then allowed to set. It is subsequently polished to mimic the appearance of natural teeth. People with large spaces or evident gaps between their teeth or those with uneven tooth size are the best candidates for the treatment. 

Dental Bridge

While a dental bridge works just like a crown, it is most suitable for people who have several missing teeth. The dental bridge comes with several artificial teeth that fill up the gaps made by missing teeth. The dental bridges use abutments to anchor the plate that holds the artificial teeth. Depending upon personal choice and doctor’s recommendation, one may opt for a removable or fixed dental bridge.

Dental Implants

This is the most comprehensive of all cosmetic dentistry procedures. It is an invasive procedure that is carried out in two stages. The first step involves fixing a metal root into the jawbone. Once the root fuses with the bone, a prosthetic tooth is screwed to the root. In addition to cosmetic benefits, it also helps restore the lost tooth functions as the results are permanent.  

Final Thoughts

Even a small amount of investment can add wonders to your overall smile. If you are experiencing issues with your teeth, a visit to a cosmetic dentistry clinic can help you figure out the best course of action to tackle the anomalies. Personal Dental Office, a leading dental clinic in Los Angeles, is also the best in the region when it comes to providing customized cosmetic dentistry services. With a range of orthodontic treatments available, one can easily navigate through to find the best course of action to get to their desired goals.

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