Health Skincare

6 Steps Guide – The Correct Order To Apply Skincare Routine In 2023

what is a good skin care routine

Starting a proper skincare routine whether it is in the morning or at night always begins with understanding your skin type first. This is where you can do away with a lot of the confusion about skincare in different weather conditions and at different stages of your life.

1. Understanding Your Skin Type

  • If you have dry skin, you will feel that it is a little rough and scaly to the touch. At times, you would also notice a flaky texture on your face. With the right hydration, you can get rid of this problem.
  • Oily skin is when you have a shiny look and feel to your face. You may have big pores on your nose and particularly on your T-zone.
  • Combination skin is when you have some dry as well as oily spots on your face. You can have a different texture on your cheeks, nose, and forehead.
  • When you have sensitive skin, any kind of skin care product might result in a rash or/and itch that you are not prepared for.
  • Normal skin is when you have a balanced and clear complexion. Your skin is not sensitive or excessively dry or oily in any area.

2. What Is A Good Skin Care Routine Without The Right Cleanser?

When you have dry skin, which is highly common these days, a good skin care routine for you is something without any alcohol or fragrances. These ingredients can cause your skin to dry out even further. You should exfoliate your skin at least once a week so that you can keep it clearer and flawless. Remember to use plenty of warm water and choose a suitable treatment for dry skin if you have a recurring problem of skin flakes, especially in the morning.

  • When cleaning oily skin, invest in a mild cleanser with no chemicals. Choose a facewash to remove extra oil and close down your open pores.
  • When you want to clean your sensitive skin, use warm water with a mild face wash or skin soap. Do not go for anything that has alcohol, fragrance, or any acid. Choose something with chamomile, aloe vera, green tea, and oats. Never rub your skin with a towel. Instead, pat it dry gently.
  • Cleaning combination/normal skin with a gentle cleanser or face soap is recommended. Lather up in your hands and massage it circularly onto your face. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

3. Get The Right Toner – One Of The Most Critical Skin Care Routine Steps

Depending on the kind of skin you have, you will choose a combination of ingredients in a toner too.

  • If you have acne-prone skin, choose hydroxy acids. It can have salicylic acid and lactic acid that help increase cell turnover.
  • For dry and/or sensitive skin, pick a hydrating toner with no alcohol. It must have ingredients like glycerine and hyaluronic acid.
  • In case you are dealing with combination skin, look for a gentle exfoliant. Go for ingredients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, green tea, and similar combinations.
  • When dealing with oily skin, look for an astringent with witch hazel and similar ingredients to help tighten your pores.

4. Treat Your Skin To The Right Serum

Skin serums have become a part of everyone’s skin care routine for the simple reason that they are available for various skin types. A serum should be applied just as directed at the back of the packaging. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots. You should use it in the morning before you set out for the day. Remember to combine it with the right sunscreen.

5. Moisturizers Are Your Best Friends

Now if we strictly talk about your morning skin routine, when you are done applying your favorite serum, the next step is to use a hydrating moisturizer.

  • Dry Skin: Use a formulation that has a lot of humectants, ceramides, and occlusives
  • Oily Skin: Look for gel-based formulas that are free of any oil or fat

6. The Best Skin Care Routine Remains Incomplete Without Retinoid

Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives effective in getting rid of dark spots and breakouts. They also reduce the appearance of fine lines on your skin. Remember to always go for a strong sunscreen lotion when you are including retinoids in your skin care routine. Use retinoids only at night.