Health Weight Loss

5 Ways To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

If you think that you will be able to find a dumb shortcut to lose weight, you are mistaken. You have to be very clever in your approach. If you have a sensitive lower back or probably a health condition that prevents you from working out or indulging in any physical activity, these tips are going to work wonders for you. Even if you don’t feel like working out, weight loss without exercise is very much possible provided you follow these tips till the last detail. Let’s begin:

1. Chew Your Food Slowly

People say that you should chew your food slowly and thoroughly and it is for all the right reasons. This practice allows you to limit your food intake significantly. You will end up eating smaller portion sizes which means that you are not going to stress your stomach by overeating. According to recent studies, people who eat faster are likely to gain weight four times faster than people who eat at a normal speed. Also, fast eaters all over the US are much more likely to be not just overweight but obese. Therefore, remember to eat slowly and steadily, especially if you want to lose belly fat and those stubborn love handles.

2. Add Plenty Of Lean Protein To Your Diet

Why does your nutritionist stress so much protein intake? This is because your body needs a lot of energy to digest protein. It is a difficult nutrient to absorb and therefore your body has to work overtime to digest it over 24 hours. Also, you can only take a few calories of protein and you would experience a fullness that is not possible by eating loads and loads of carbohydrates. Your body uses up the stored fat on your stomach, legs, and hips to digest that protein. It is a great way to lose weight fast naturally and without any side effects. Some sources of protein that you should include in your diet are eggs, salmon, lentils, quinoa, chicken breast, Greek yogurt, whole grain, cod, tofu, and cottage cheese.

3. Take Out A Little Time For Brisk Walking

Want to know how to lose weight fast without exercise? You do not have to take out the time for a gym. All you have to do is make room for brisk walking at least once a day. You could walk to your office or you could ditch your car when going out to buy groceries for the house. It keeps your heartbeat up and your fat cells burning.

4. Where Is Your Unhealthy Food?

This is one of the most effective approaches to take. If you have any unhealthy foods in your kitchen, hide them so well, that even you can’t find them when you get those cravings and hunger pangs. These unhealthy foods are easy to prepare and most of them are very high in sugar and sodium. Also, they contain preservatives that you do not want. They also have a very high content of trans fat which just makes you put on a lot of unwanted weight.

5. It Is Important To Drink Plenty Of Water

It is very important to drink plenty of water regularly because it not only keeps you hydrated throughout the day but if you are looking for a way how to avoid loose skin after weight loss, this is your best option. Your skin should retain enough amount of water for your muscles to be healthy and toned. This is where regular hydration comes into play. Also, when you drink water before your meal, you tend to lose somewhat close to 44% more weight than usual.

Final Thoughts

You can see now that by just making a few changes in your regime and food intake, you can lose a lot of the extra weight that you want to get rid of. You don’t have to do any rigorous exercises or join the nearest gym or even do tiring sessions of cardio. Just these tips and you are sorted.